Each time you make a purchase in our Hastings Street Store, your receipt will include the loyalty points earned, and your total loyalty balance available to spend on your next purchase.
Lost your last receipt? We keep records of your purchases and loyalty points in our system. You can always ask for your current balance or call us on 07 5447 2211 to check your loyalty credit balance over the phone (during business hours).
Bought online?
Purchases made on our website earn loyalty points, and you can spend them the next time you visit our physical store, however loyalty points may only be redeemed in store.
Terms and conditions:
Feet First Footwear reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the In Store Loyalty Credit Program at any time. In Store Loyalty Credit generated is available on the next purchase or the points may be saved for a future purchase. In Store Loyalty credit can only be spent on products IN STORE, and cannot be refunded or transferred.
Loyalty Points can be accrued and used on Full Priced and discounted items. Purchase of gift cards does not generate loyalty credit. Use of a gift card generates loyalty credit for the user. Refunds will debit your loyalty point balance at the same rate. Loyalty points cannot be used for online purchases.